Parent Information

Can you feel it? The sun is shining (finally!), the fields are drying up, and it's getting close to soccer time! Here are a few things you need to know before we start practices:
Fall soccer checklist
Practice and game etiquette
We love it when you come to watch your children and grandchildren practice and play soccer! Your support of all our kids is invaluable, and you're welcome to watch anytime you like. We ask you to keep a few things in mind when you're at the fields:
Finally, thanks a million for your support! We (quite literally) can't do this without your support!
We ask parents to volunteer in some capacity to support the program. You can help out by coaching, serving on the board, field maintenance, being the team manager, or working in the snack shack to sell food during high school games and CBSC tournaments. To help in the snack shack, contact [email protected].
Fall soccer checklist
- The Fall Season starts on July 25th and will be played on Tues and Thurs until mid September. U15 teams will have some games on Monday evenings.
- We need a medical release form for each of your players by the first day of practice. Players will not be allowed to participate without a completed medical release form. Usually this will be filled out online during registration in Demosphere
- Players at all levels each need shin guards and a water bottle. These are available locally at local retailers, among other places. Other suggested gear includes sunscreen (applied before getting to the fields), a windbreaker, and a post-practice snack.
- Players will need appropriate footwear (cleats), and shin guards. For games the players should wear black shorts and socks and a red jersey. For U6 & U8 players the jersey is a free, red CBSC T-shirt. For U10 and older the jersey is a red Adidas jersey, available at the equipment shed at the fields on July 25th & 30th for $25.
Practice and game etiquette
We love it when you come to watch your children and grandchildren practice and play soccer! Your support of all our kids is invaluable, and you're welcome to watch anytime you like. We ask you to keep a few things in mind when you're at the fields:
- Soccer is a game and these are our kids. Let's keep our comments (and suggestions and cheers and...) positive and constructive.
- Players need to love the game before they'll be willing to do the work to improve. Positive reinforcement with a smile, a thumbs-up, a hug when it's needed -- these are all ways to support and encourage your players and keep them coming back for more.
- Coaches have a hard (unpaid!) job, and they need your support, too. Please give our coaches space to work with their teams during practice (though you're welcome to watch!). During games, please refrain from yelling instructions to any players; That's the coach's job.
- If you see something that you think can work better, or that should be done differently, please bring it to the WYSA board. If you see a safety issue, please address it immediately as best you can and get a coach or WYSA board member involved as soon as possible, too.
Finally, thanks a million for your support! We (quite literally) can't do this without your support!
We ask parents to volunteer in some capacity to support the program. You can help out by coaching, serving on the board, field maintenance, being the team manager, or working in the snack shack to sell food during high school games and CBSC tournaments. To help in the snack shack, contact [email protected].